Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ok so I have landed in New York. I have been here a mere 24 hours and have already spent way more than I would in a week in Sydney but that is ok because this place is amazing. So Customs!!! Attention Customs Officers: I know you are already aware of this, but let me remind you again - people are smuggling in drugs because you are too busy throwing out my belongings. If you weren't so concerned about the three over 100ml items that were in my bag, you mighenev missed the fools brining in illegal substances. Like no really, sunscreen, three deoderatn cans - (why on earth I brought so many to NYC with me is still a puzzle to me also.
Ohh and did I mention LAX took my entire 1L bottle of absolute Vodka. Umm yes. No liquids in the coun...tyr ma-am.What!! are you kidding me? Like no really? Not that I am a drinker, well not really, but one glass of it would have been nice. Cool I hope you people enjoy drinking it. yep totally. better someone does.

The flight was horrific. I hate flying. I couldn't sleep, the medication I took made me feel worse and might I add the dude that sat next to me on the flight has a story to tell his buddies. I kept, taking photos of MYSELF, my journal, my book, playing Bon Jovi music videos and taking pics of the monitor and I (you know like pretending I am in the video posing with Jovi) cool right - yeah he didnt think so. By the end of the flight had managed to move so far away from me he was practically falling over into the wasn't funny. I fell on him whilst I tried to go to the bathroom, too. His fault, shouldve gotten up like a gentlemen instead of swinging his legs around the 20cm gap we had to get through!! But it wasn't my fault that for some unbeknown to me reason, I happened to be holding a cup of water and spilt it all over him and the annoying idiot in front and I stole his pretzels when he fell asleep. What, I was hungry, and I didn't really want to wake him up so I could go and fetch myself some, so I thought he would rather I take his than waking the prince from his sleep. Also, I was highly annoyed by the want-to-be-cool outdated fat smelly gross want to be / missed the boat artist.Ok I am all for the i dont shower underground poet-artist-dirty grunge scene, but seriously, the pretentious too cool for your own pathetic school, is really not on dude. He continued to move his seat back, constantly disturbing me from my sleep position (on the fold out food tray) and waking me up. Like seriously dude, is it essential to move your effing seat back and forth that many times? Like do you not have any respect for fellow travellers? and then, then, after all that had the nerve, the nerve, the mumble after I pressed my head against the back of his seat as I fell asleep on the tray. I mean you have been pushing your fat back into my space for the entire trip and I want to have a nap and suddenly my light head pressed against the back of your chair is bothering you. Seriously dude, its not on. Loose the wanna be geek glasses, they dont suit you, and put a smile on your face, it works a treat. Not on I say. Not on.Mildly infuriated. Probably as infuriated as the guy sitting next to me was with me.

Now i've spent the last ten minutes looking for our aprtment key, Lynda entrusted me with it, I came home and forgot where I had put it. Story of my life. Put it isn't the correct terminology - gramatically incorrect, placed would be a more appropriate word to use right now. placedc thekey. or rather misplaced. whater too tired. will finish this update tomorrow.l need sleep before I go MAD. XX

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