Sunday, July 25, 2010


The wheels are turning but your not here
i’m screaming but you can’t hear
Deep into the dark you went
disappeared like the sun at dark
I need you, I want you but I dont
Addiction how can you be so good but yet so bad
My body aches, my brain hurts, I need another hit
I am shaking, spinning, thoughts vivid and wild, churning, motions turning
Stop!!! I need you now, I need that hit,
I need to stop the wheels from turning
I need stillness, so still, so loud, your not near, sounds buzzing,
wide awake, sleep where are you now, I want you, I need you, I really do
Sun sun shine brightly again, stream through all my windows and come the break of day
come through the darkness, burn the noise, through the doors, let me see, that light, let me see that light, that one shinning so bright……

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