Sunday, July 25, 2010

I thought you were perfect, but I was misguided, mislead, mistrusted,
your thoughts, your words, your sentences, oh how they sounded so perfect and rang so true, they were everything I had always wanted to hear and mre and suddenly it was real.
Every word ever so read, ever so real, ever so a contradiction to the last,
for you mean what you say and say what you mean but even you dont know what that is..
to be inside your head, is it all clear in there with a map and directions of where to go - are you aware of your game/
or are you struggling, lying to yourself, trhying to figure it out ....
bringing the world in with you, into your little world and game.

A word you spoke
A look you gave
A gentle whisper
A kiss
worlds collided, for a moment, i was yours and you were mine
kisses, caresses, tender and soft
Escaped from reality into a world beyond
above and beyond,

I was yours and you were mine, ohh sweet sweet wine.

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