Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I am afraid. I am afraid that I won't ever find anyone that makes me smile as much as you do. I am afraid that I won't ever feel as content as I do when I am around you. I am afriad that no one will laugh at my jokes or my differences like you do. I am afraid that no one will look into my eyes the way you did or kiss me the way you did.I am afriad no one will hold me as tight as you did and not want to let me go like you did. I am afraid that I won't be able to share that side of me with anyone like I did with you, I am afraid that I will have to shut you out and along with it every thought and memory of you, for it hurts too much to think of what would have been. I am afraid that if I keep trying to shut them out, that they will permanently go away and it will be too late and we won't ever know. I am afraid that I won't feel a single thing ever again if I continue to pretend it was just a dream. But right now, that after all this, you chose to walk away from it, that hurts to much to acknowledge. To know we could have been perfect together, We fitted, we were right, we were fun together, we were the couple others would look at and think - wow they found it, its real, its alive, we are alive. We gave love hope. It would have made for the perfect fairytale, but somehow it scared you more to know what would have been and then it did me, as easily as you walked in, you turned around and walked out now I am left here, with nothing more than an empty shell. Lifeless and alone.

I met you a year ago, I didnt see myself fall for you, but what I didn't see was you falling for me too. We fell, we fell so hard and fast. As quickly as you walked in, you walked out. I sit here now all alone and just wonder, wonder what would have been had not not been afraid to venture into the unknown and give us a chance. Instead you chose to walk back into what was familiar and comfortable. We shared a very rare and precious connection, one beyond aything i had ever known, one that is so hard to find, one that some spend years searching for, yet we found it when we weren't looking for it. You were content, I was just as fine loving myself and being alone. I didn't ask for this, but when it happened it was unbelieveable. Like something out of a movie. It would one day make a great movie that would capture twilight fans around the world. But you left, you walked away and ran.I will nevr know why you didn't stay but perhaps time was not on our side, or perpahs I am praying for a lollypop when god has a whole chocolate factory in store for me and that is why he is saying just wait, jsut wait, the best is yet to come.

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