Saturday, August 7, 2010


Ohh and on top of ALL of that. I have just realised I have lost my journal somewhere between LA and NYC. I am more than a tad bit annoyed right now. So much so that I need more than a xanax tonight. More like ten. No kidding. I love my life (as clearly realised when I came close to losing it tonight) but no really. I hope some kick ass script writer finds it and makes an epic movie out of my life. It would make for a great movies says I. I hope they track me down and pay me my royalties or whatever you call it. Pay me my due credit for enduring it.

No I am not on drugs or drunk or in need of attention (believe you me, I have had plenty of attention in my life span) I like to keep a low profile these days. I am just annoyed and writing helps me deal and remember and want to change. Great. Ta. Goodnight. Dishevelled. That's how I feel dishevelled. Actually whilst on the topic, Lynda AND I went out the other night, upon meeting a random stranger, within the first three seconds she asked if she could tell us what her initial thought of us was. She said Suzi, you my friend are a relative mess but hot (cool thanks), you're friend LYnda here is VERY WELL put together i.e. she has her shit together whilst you're all over the place. hit the nail on the head love. hence wanting to change. lack of punctuation. Great start Suzi.

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