Sunday, August 29, 2010


Just when you think you have moved on, a new day with its new troubles and blessings, something, someone, something has to pop up and remind you of what was. A mere mention, a mere suggestion, a mere memory is all it takes and here I am shivering again, afraid once again, fearing again, thinking even though its been so long, have you forgotten? have you finally left me alone for good? Please god, don't let it come back, don't let it resurface. The mere mention and I am bawling every drop of water out of my eyes. I begin to think the memories have been erased and I am safe. I am at a new place with a new life, one that is finally mine and free of anything that doesn't belong in it, but suddenly something reminds me that even though I hve forgotten others dont. Do i delete my facebook again? Cut all ties with society? Move overseas, lock myself in my home and never tell or interact with another soul again? I hate even giving you this space,and a place is not what it deserves. I must stand on my faith and believe that GOD is bigger than my situation. I just cannot deal with it anymore. I have no more strength.

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