Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oh Heart....

I once read the only way to get over a romance is to pour it out, I believe I have just done that and by doing that have dedicated a HUGE portion of my blog to this thing called LOVE.....such a beautiful emotion, i think more should be dedicated to it....but now now I am excited for the journey ahead. I am excited to be single, .....Not that I was not before, but somehow emotionally I have been attached to something not worth attaching myself to, I now let go of that and look forward to spending time with myself and hanging out with me. All grown up and all now that I have finally lent out my little heart and had it shattered. I somehow feel like I have grown from this experience and wonder why I even held back lending my heart all these years.

Wish I had done it earlier, but that's ok, because now that I have experienced this little test run, baby I am more than ready for the real thing.


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