Thursday, April 15, 2010


"The Gestalt theory of change posits that the more we attempt to be who or what we are not, the more we remain the same...we change when we become aware of what and who we are ... it's important to be as fully as possible in our current position, rather than striving to become what we 'should be'."

I subscribe to the theory that no one can BE you as well as you. i think we are all created so uniquely and intricately but are too busy looking at the flaws that we miss the precious things about ourselves, those that have been deposited in us on the day we were created, those things that we have, that others dont...

No matter how annoying, stupid, different, or strange we may think or feel that we are, we have something to offer the world and should not at any cost, strip ourselves of the privledge to do so. What you might find awkward and weird about yourself, another may totally appreciate and love, it just be the fresh breeze they needed to come into their life. If you were just like them, you would go un-noticed, no one likes same, it becomes stale. In a world where conformity and status is highly regarded, stand out and be yourself, bring something new and innovative to the table and soon you will see that others too will jump onto the bandwagon. We will begin to experience colour and light and freedom like never before. The freedom of not having to constantly strive or act, but to freely dance in the rain, without a second thought, to live in that moment and totally enjoy it, because really as a friend said to me the other day, this isn't a rehearsal, life is the real dont get a second chance, do you really want to wake up at 80 and think oh my gosh, I really want to go out and dance in the I wish I had when I was 18 but was too afraid of what others would have thought of me, now my bones are frail and and my legs wont hold me yourself.....if its not accepted by others, that's fine, like Kurt Cobain once said...its better to be hated for who I am than LOVED for who I AM NOT! There is so much truth and power in that.

Loved or Hated as long as we have the love of god and ourselves, we cant go wrong. There's freedom in walking down the street and just being...let the world watch, even laugh...because on the inside you know that you are free, whilst theyre left rehearsing every word, following every trend, trying and striving and constantly reaching for something completely unattainable, no porsche, nor house on the hills overlooking the ocean not even that GORGEOUS PRADA bag I so able to give you the freedom like god can....and you need to take hold of that and begin to walk in it.... right here, right now ......the freedom of embracing and loving yourself...before anyone else can....How do you expect others to believe and love you, if you dont love yourself? Its hard to sell a product that you dont believe in...start today, start believing in yourself. God didnt make a mistake when he made you, he gave you those qualities as bizarre and strange as you may feel or think they are for a give back to the add colour and life to a world that is lacking, to open the eyes of the blind...xx
Much Love S.

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