Thursday, April 1, 2010


Oh how some days I really miss college, chapel and our ener-chai's. I really miss when that clock would hit 10.00am and we would run out for a break. I really miss walking into the presence of god in chapel, running slightly late and trying really hard not to trip on those stairs as I walked down whilst everyone else was immersed in worship. I REALLY miss those ridiculously high boots would wear to school because they kept my legs warm throughout winter, I really miss those sandwiches, after running late and skipping breakfast, waiting patiently for the clock to strike 11.00am and I run out and get a sandwick, toasted, chicken tandoori with an ener-chai to wash it down, I really miss my straws, I realy miss lugging around that coffee all day with that stupid straw in it, i even miss spillin it all over me and my paperwork. What i miss the most is the friendships, the laughs, the jokes and all the coffee we shared, the inspiration you imparted, the future we discussed, our husbands, that hope, god, his presence and our prayers. Ohhh college what an amazing time. And I wish I could say and the boys we perved on but.....we didnt! There were no darn boys to perve on...actually maybe that was the problem, they were all boys and no men!! Hhashahahaha! Oh wait...there were a few...Just a couple.

Driving home from Corrinas house, all the way from Penrith on a few hours sleep, exhausted, and drained with 17 assignments to go, and due in in approximately 2 days. Sitting in the library and completing them all. Rushing to the coffee line straight after class to collect our coffee before we walk into class. Writing notes in class, drawing away whilst pretending to listen, when really we were counting down the minutes till 10.00am and looking at each other if the teacher went past 10.00am thinking..."doesnt she know we get a break now?" "its past 10am??" what's she doing??? We need a break dude. Jumping up and down to air guitar

The mornings would start with car pulls with Tony, poor Tony waiting in the carpark on many occasions as we ran late, Kings Cross in the early mornings with my juices, coffee stops, food stops and work stopoffs. Ohhhh how much fun. Living in the norhtern beaches, waking up to peanut butter toast and a view over south curl curl beach..ohh what a view. The early mornings of sheer peace in that house, ohh how peaceful. Drained yet still trying to get to class, but really wanting to skip and sleep in all day long, to enjoy the beach adn simply do nothing. Going home after a long day of class, shaking from the lack of food, but napping away in the dark room, curtains drawn, drifting off to a peaceful sleep, waking up to work on assessments. Oh the days of college.

how sweet, filled with growth and friends. Support and love we shared, we grew, we laughed, we cried, we made memories. Things were shed, others broken, lives changed, never to be the same again. College was a time of growth, of love discovered, of hearts opened, broken, and restored. God was there, he moved, he shifted and softened even the hardest of hearts. His presence felt, love shared, hopes revived, dreams alive, he was there. He opened, shifted and sealed the works. People we revived and the past left behind. Hurts healed. Thank you god for that time. 8 months which felt like a lifetime. A lifetime of hurt, pain, rejection and disappointment, healed and restored within that time. Moved and moved beyond expectation, Hearts healed. Joy restored. We danced and laughed again.

Confidence regained the way he intended it to be when he formed you in your mothers womb, before the hurls of fire from this world that had left you scarred. With one touch of his hand, he wiped away the pain and the scar, fresh new heartbeats and skin, insides coming alive again. Oh how you reign. Work that could not have been completed without you LORD OH LORD. Amazing god who deserves all the praise. AMEN!

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