Friday, June 4, 2010


"I know that universal wisdom exits, but you never know who its going to come to you from, everyone has something important to say... if you just listen" - Aristotle Onassis

So many times in life, we feel that we can learn something from the big guns in this world, and at times we can, but we must have our eyes and ears open all the time for anyone and everyone can offer us a slice of wisdom. The shoe polisher who spends his entire life out in the street knows more about life than any one of us who are huddled up in our polished lives and perfect homes. He watches and observes more lives in one day than most of us will see in a life time. If we were to just stop and notice and ask, we may learn a thing or two about life.

Aristotle Onassis was a Greek shipping magnate,he listened and observed, asked questions and paid attention and that my friend is how he turned from an immigrant with $60 in his pocket to a self-made millionaire.

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