Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sales - Addiction - Weakness --

So Cohen Et Sabine - oh how I LOVE YOU Cohen Et Sabine, one of my top two AUSTRALIAN designers of all time.

They are having a sale today and I am NOT attending due to my excessive spending of late. So here I am, sitting at my desk, in my office, literally twitching like an addict who hasn't had their daily dose of heroin, NOT that this compares, but I am sure it would feel somewhat emotionally like this. Cohen is no doubt one of my favourite designers, their femine, sexy yet still edgy designs make my heart flutter. They make me feel like a rebelled princess elegant, so simple, understated yet with a twist.

Oh Cohen, how I wish we could meet today and I could take some of you home with me, but unfortunately I have been spending more than I have been earning of late and therefore this time around, I will have to give you a miss. But...not without feeling it! Oh how I hope there is nothing at this sale that appeals, but I know you much better than that and know you will have something divine to offer me and won't let me leave without. Avoidance is best in this case. For now...let's indulge in some of their past collections, that I adore to bits and wear to shreads!!

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