Thursday, October 28, 2010

You and No longer I

You are You; and I am Me
Great together we can be
Although for us, I know we are not meant to be
Your love for the things of this world is greater than that of mine
MY LOVE for love; is greater than that of yours
I am real and very raw, living for that of love and joy & creativity
You are you living for that of the world,
the money, the fame, and your pride for the love of this very game
Worlds so far apart,that no even a love so strong,
can make this wrong so right
So I open my hand and with it my heart, as I let you go, and with you, that world
so false, so untrue
I now fly free, free as a butterfly fresh out of a coccoon,
free to be me, the one I have desired to be, free from the false
confines of this world and the wishes of my at the time blind mind
and you...well you will lay, for another day, striving trying to please the world;
living so far away, so far from the person you were created to be.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hippie Love

I want to be hippie today. Living on a commune, eating nothing but brown rice and green beans, perhaps even beetroot and cabbage. Strolling along, sleeping in a hammock with my favourite books,listening to Pete Doherty play acoustic (not too sure how ipod's would go down) the live version would be much better. But instead I am in a 17 storey building listening to corporate talk overlooking the harbour bridge. Hmmm

Monday, October 11, 2010


I didn't notice opening the door - but the wind is blowing me away, fierce and strong
I didn't see the walls coming down, but I am standing amongst rubble and dust, covered in it all
I didn't notice the roof collapse, but I stand here without shelter, bare and alone
Robbed, completely bare, without a shelter

When did I lose my way? How did you get through the barries I had created? My mind was still, it stood anchored in truth?
Somewhere, somehow, still unknown till now, you came through and knock it all down, the hopelessness, the trust,the faith, it all down
I stand here now, alone....destroyed,lost and broken in need of restoraion'

From destruction comes healing, bareness ready to be clothed in truth and bathed in love, A precious gift given by the father above

BARE, UNBOUND, FREE, I am ready to stand on truth again, this time though, free as ever I stand, no walls, no doors, no barries, no roof, free as I can be. raw and real, feet left bare, thoughts real, heart tender and and open, ready to be me, free of you and your constraints, your platform, built on a foundation of lies and insecurity, self importance and pride, unable to move from the surface to see the depth that lies beneath. Unable to be free, unable to be you. Because of that unable to be me. But no longer will I allow my mind to be bound, by the lies that were told, fed to it, creating something new, something found, something treasured, something restored, all now false and broken

Now, Now it stands here, without all these barriers, unloaded, no constraints, instead grounded, firmly planted in the truth, the truth of love and life, the truth set before us all, by the one and only master of truth itself, the father, son and holy spirit, the glue and foundation of our being, our inner most being.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


when the words dont come out and you don't know what to say...

I met boy less than a year ago. And it only took me one whole year to fall in love with him, i don't exactly know at what point I feel in love with him, but I did. I realised i was in love with him after a casual drink after work, Icame home and wasunable to sleep, heart beating, euphoric highs, I couldn't understand what was happening to my body. I thought I was ill. It was then that I realised this physical pull was love. He was handsome, adventurous, intelligent, so much fun to be around and could throw sarcastic remarks back as quickly as I could dish them. I wanted to spend all of my time with him. Just thinking about him made my face burst into a smile. He was exciting, and I couldn’t get enough.

But after a year it ended. He said he was in love with me, but couldn't be, he spoke of how he didnt want to leave and walk away but how life had other things going on for him and this us, this now would just be too much. That it would be easier to just walk away, to walk away from the emotion that were engulfing him. The kiss was perfect and we just fitted. I thought about all the things we had done together and all the future plans that would never be.

But as quickly as I had fallen for him, I had bounced back. Three weeks of love meant our relationship was only a glitch in time. But it fit perfectly. I wish to be someone that goes whole-heartedly for what I want, disregarding the consequences. And in this situation, this is exactly what I had done. I had many warnings from friends, telling me I was setting myself up to get hurt. Which I did. But, without that risk, I never would have been able to feel that fire. Three weeks of pure happiness was worth the sadness.

Being a “prisoner of the moment” means that I lead with my wants, and not my rationalities. I go based off instinct, not thinking too far into the future. With boy, I dove in completely and tried to suppress all other thought, the scream telling me to protect myself and back out. I was hurt in the end, but life is too short to care. I can only hope I find this passion again, and that it doesn’t burn out quite so quickly.


where is she now?

Wants to find that girl again, the one I thought i'd left behind
the one YOU helped me find
the one who is cheerful and happy and witty and fun
the one who last year realised life had just begun
Where is she now? where has she gone? Did you take her with you?
I know she is in there somewhere, beneath the hurt and pain
I know that If I look hard enough,I can find her again
She isn't ready for the world, not if you're not willing to be arent here
Life isn't the same without you near
Surrounded in a world so dark, sitting alone in the park
dreams shattered, hope seems gone,
strenth impossible to find
She must learn again how to climb, how to be, in a world where she can be free?


I hate you
I hate you for showing me I can be loved;
I hate you for allowing me to be me;
I hate you because you showed me that being me is the most amazing thing you had ever seen;
I hate you that it now has been and gone
I hate you and this life that I now live, it feels empty alone and sad. My world is filled with pretence and emptiness.
I hate you that you showed me how to be the me that I had forgotten how to be.
I hate that I didnt have to think with you, or talk that I could just be and it was the most amazing place I could BE.
I hate you that you have taken this huge space in my head, soul and heart;

Friday, October 1, 2010

This time

last year
I danced, laughed and sung
It was a new day a new time
dreams had come to life
birthed and alive
no longer far away but now in sight
each day, each moment bright and alive
fresh and new
a dream once brewing had now come to life
I danced, I sung, I laughed
I was becoming new, someone new

now unknown, lost, stranded without a path
That laugh so far away, so foreign so unknown
What once was, no longer is
I stand lost and alone,
stranded, dreams shattered, broken,
every part now blown
into the sea, out in the wild, no longer here
What once was spoken now just remains
as token of what once was but no longer is
