Sunday, September 26, 2010

GOD, you're my last chance of the day,
I spend the night n my knees before yu
Put me on your salvation agenda,
take notes on the trouble I'm in,
I've had my fill of toruble;
I'm camped on the edge of hell.
I'm written off as a lost cause,
one more statistic, a hopeless case
Abandoned as already dead
one more body in a stack of corpses
And not so much a gravestone
I am in a bottomless pit
I'm battered and senseless

I call to you GOD;all day I call
I wring my hands, I plead for help
I'm standing my ground god, Shouting for help,
at my prayers every morning
Why do you make yourself scarce
For as long as I remember i've been hurting
I'm bleeding black and blue
Attacked at every side
Abandoned, feeling the only friend is darkness

Your LOVE GOD, is my song, and I'll sing it!
Your love has always been our lives foundation
I'm forever telling everyone how faithful you are,
Faith is the only thing I hold on to, the reason I breathe,
The very reason I believe for a better day
You build the cosmos and everything in it GOD
You are capable of moving through this darkness, through this mess, this unfortune

I believe GOD, I stand on FAITH, it's the only thing holding my soul together
and my feet on solid ground, it is the only solid I have left in my life GOD
I believe GOD ; that enough is enough, that I have suffered long and hard
that it is time for a shift in the universe, one where things start to turn around
and the dreams and plans you have for me turn to light
they start to come to life GOD

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