Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Takes me away and always has
The addiction is so strong
I can't keep away
To contain the sound to my bedroom and home
I want to do this, but not alone
To be in the places I shouldn't;
with people I shouldn't
but the music its so powerful
I just want to listen and dance and play
The bars, the pubs and the clubs they play all my troubles away
Being in a room where you cannot hear the voices in your head over the loud music
now thats where I wanna be
In a bar, club and pub but I know Iknow that's not good for my soul
I know I can't shut out reality and people and just lurk in the clubs alone with themusic although that's really wher I wanna be
It lets me in, plays sweet melodies, tells me how I am feelings and allows me to be free
I want to be free, to dance sing just me the music being played, that's all I want, no one else will do, for I have been to that place and you cannot be what the music can be to me. I wanna jump deep into your veins and explor them, the music the sounds, the beats,
How wonderful it would be to be free in that.

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