Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines Day Love

I could use a litre of mac right now combined with some nurofen plus, perhaps some sedatives and maybe an entire bottle of vodka combined with some legal mind altering drugs. How’s that?

Can you come up with one of those concoctions and still have me alive and feeling A-Ok tomorrow morning? And.........

I HATE VALENTINES DAY...not to draw attention to it, but for some reason that day always makes me cringe. Every year is another excuse for the freaks to resurface!! Its like its valentines day, and I wouldn’t otherwise try to contact you and be rejected again, but this ridiculous day gives me an excuse to!!!!!!! Stupid day! Why on earth was it invented????? I don’t care enough to know. It makes me cringe as much as twilight and I AM BEING A HATER TODAY.

Maybe this year, I will use it to have a boozy lunch with those I love the most in my life...
I was told by a dear friend to immerse myself in the fantasty of Twilight...my response was _______________!!!! NO! I have enough fantasy going on in my head that I could write a kick ass script that would blow twilight right off the box office. If i put my past, present and foreseeable (if my prayers are answered and all works fine) future on paper, I think I could come up with a pretty smashing storyline don’t you? Hahah..no more said. End of discussion. I wish not to open my life up for discussion.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Diamond in the Rough

Ok ...after Funda’s mention of Mr Doherty and ...... in the sheer boring after dark hours of my life, I decided to partake in some harmless internet stalking in an attempt to find out more about this rock star. My search has resulted in many things, one being, beneath the grease, slurring, shaking, cigarette bottle holding heroin induced body...there is a deeply emotional and intelligent artist, suppressed only by his not so moderate drug use. His lyrics, that voice and some of the content that comes out of his mouth in most interviews....is deeply INTELLIGENT!!!! Such a gentle , down to earth soul in need of some major TLC.

Ohh I THINK i might have just fallen in love for the 1ST TIME this week, that’s a rarity for me.. 

Do you agree?

Perhaps instead of college/church I should be hanging outside methadone clinics!! Volunteering to clean up ......human trainwrecks!! New pastime!!
