Saturday, November 28, 2009


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free

...experiencing immense freedom in many areas of my life after being held and bound. This particular night I felt so free, all I wanted to do was run around like I was ten again. Freely climb fences, without worrying about breaking my YvesSaintLaurent heels, or tearing my Bec and Bridge Tee. I just wanted to let go of everything adult, including the fears and worries that increase with age. I wanted to be as careless as a ten year old who knows nor fears about the things of this world. I stepped out and did that, and something broke in my heart, god released me, as an adult, I now walk in childlike faith, knowing god is bigger than the things of this world, and Jesus did indeed come to see us free. Free from our fears, insecurities and worries.. To put our faith in something bigger than the words people speak, the money our jobs pay or the precious clothes in our wardrobe that we put our faith in to make us feel great and aesthetically appealing. ++ Blessings ++

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Boots iheart

These captured my heart...the search is on to locate a pair...
